Growers, suppliers, customers, advisors, regulators, researchers; they all have their part to play in the industry. Connecting them creates opportunities, security and success.
Developing supply chains is a key responsibility of AerSoc. We are committed to making sure growers get the supplies they need at the best possible price. Customers should know where they can get produce and growers should know what supplies customers want.
Marketing is an important tool in the creation of business for our membership. We are committed to making sure that we support them through our events, activities and social media.
Planning For The Future
AerSoc plans to move beyond a website and social media. We will, be developing a members portal where they can get access to the latest products, source customers or source produce. This will instantly connect the whole supply chain in one place.
Moving The Industry Forward
Training and continuing professional development drive continuous improvement in the industry. AerSoc provides opportunities for members to have access to the latest technology and business advances and thinking through our newsletter, events and training.
Research and development support the training and innovation that improve production, supply chains and markets. AerSoc advises researchers and innovators on the needs of the industry to make sure they are included in R&D programs. AerSoc supports researchers and Innovators by reviewing and endorsing research applications to ensure the industry has the support it needs.